into the Tobacco Root mountains

Mister Z and I said goodbye to Lost And Found, when he headed up to sleep near the statue of the Virgin Mary that guards Butte. We slept in a nice camp by the Delmoe Lake Road, and even went bouldering in the morning. Yesterday was a long and hot road walk to Whitehall. We decided to spend the night and had a restful afternoon in town.

I want to see the film Sound of Freedom but I probably missed my chance... Can't imagine any movie theaters between here and maybe Rawlins, Wyoming! I was saddened to learn that in addition to the USA being the greatest buyer of illegal drugs in the world, it is the greatest consumer, and sometimes producer of child pornography. 

My nation is several things at once. One of those things is completely fallen. It makes my heart feel sick. Here is the podcast I heard: 

The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast: 372. The Fight Against Worldwide Child Slavery & the Sex Trade | Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard

Episode webpage:

Media file:


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