
I've had a good time here in Lordsburg. Arrived in the early evening, found Charlie in the room and discussed myriad gear topics. We had similar thoughts on many things, for example agreeing on the importance of olive oil for warmth when sleeping, as fat in the diet at dinner time lights the big logs in the fireplace of the body. Beautiful sunset, great Tex mex dinner, then sleep. We got up at 5:30 and I walked with him to the shuttle rendezvous, meeting the drivers and other people. They took off and I contented myself with a day alone. I bought food and other supplies like ibuprofen and nail clippers. I met some other hikers in the store. Hilariously, one guy had the trail name Baby Jesus.

I've met several people coming back through Lordsburg after the first leg from the border, and... Well... No one had anything good to say. Lots of sunburned legs, folks saying I'm smart to wear pants. The heat is apparently intense and demoralising. One guy said "by the end of the first day that smile will be wiped off yer face!" He seemed to be joking slightly? But other folks were more downbeat.

It makes me a little apprehensive, but what can I do? Start moaning and scraping? I'll definitely start walking at dawn, take a long siesta, and walk until dark. People say it's good that I've got an umbrella. 

I shipped a box to silver city, and will probably bump it forward to Grants. In starting to get some thoughts about the desert but I'll let them marinate.


  1. Good luck on your trip! You are as prepared as can be. And reading your post, better prepared than most. So go and start the adventure. You'll solve the problems when they present themselves. It's part of why you are doing this. ENJOY!

    1. Heck yeah, thanks Ann! I didn't say it, but you can imagine that I'm determined to enjoy the heck out of the days ahead...!

    2. Dang, it's starting, homes. Can't wait for the first check-in.


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