With Info, a bright young fellow from Seattle... He referenced the desert people of Dune, with their "still-suits" that reclaimed and recycled all water leaving the body. "I like the way religion was treated in those books. It seemed way more realistic to me that a vibrant technical society is ruled by a caste that interfaces regularly with the Unmanifest, than the dreary opposite case, seen in much science fiction, where religion has been eliminated as a "scourge" on mankind. That trope is so ignorant of human psychology," I offered, rather pedantically, I admit! Though Info agreed, adding that in his own experience as a modern, technical being, the impetus for further expenditures of energy, further penetration into matter, must come from a kind of blank space, rather than from a rational process. In fact, such processes are often just energy sinks. We went on in this vein, leaning on logs in the shade under Mt. Taylor, happily discussing the underlying...